Boswell Energy Center, a coal-fired plant in Cohasset, Minn., which has a total power output of just over 1,025 MW from four units. Units 1 and 2, each with an output of 70 MW, began operating in 1958 and 1960, respectively. Unit 3 has an output of 350 MW and began operation in 1973. Unit 4 has an output of 535 MW and began operation in 1980.
To meet the requirements of the Minnesota Mercury Emissions Reduction Act of 2006 and comply with other recently established and future state and federal emission requirements, Minnesota Power has made significant reductions in mercury, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) emissions at the Boswell Energy Center,
National Minerals Corporation proudly recycles and beneficially re-uses 100% of the available concrete quality fly ash produced at Boswell Energy Center for use as a cement replacement in concrete.